Sunday, October 7, 2012

weekends lately

We spend a lot of time at this little park across the street.  To say that Grayce loves the swings is an understatement.  She kicks and squeals when we get to them and complains if I don't get her in fast enough.  This trip was with Daddy last Saturday while I was at a choir practice for our church Christmas program.

Later that day, Tom got to go with Matt to an air show at the McConnell Air Force Base.  I'm not sure who loved it more!  They both had such a good time and were talking about it for days afterwards.  Grayce and I watched from home and it was awesome.  And LOUD!  Those planes did some pretty sweet tricks. 

Yesterday I ran in the Rosstoberfest 5k here in Wichita and it was super fun.  My first race in 5 years!  My fans were the cutest ones there. 

Here's me taking off at the start.  I was a blaze the whole time.  Haha!  Just kidding, but I did run the whole time so I was pretty pleased. 
Tom was happy running around with his buddy Eli and watching the runners go by.
some post-race cheese
They had beer and bratwursts for us at the end.  Lucky us!  Those brats were not a welcome smell when I crossed the finish line.  But we had a great time and we'll definitely do it again.


  1. That Grayce is so cute! Congrats on the 5K!

  2. Yay, Nessa! what an all around momma you are! those running photos remind me of the good ol days in Motown.

  3. Gosh, I want to see those faces in real life! Good work on the race!

  4. Way to go on the 5k!! And I just want to eat Grayce's rolls, they look so delicious. We need to do Facetime again soon...the kids are still talking about it. :)
