Sunday, October 14, 2012

photo catch-up

 Matt was so sweet to dress her one Saturday and wondered why I laughed when I saw her outfit.  The shirt was right on top of those pants in the drawer, so he thought they went together.  She pulled it off nicely, though. 
 helping sort the laundry
 her first hoodie!  a big day, obviously.
 sometimes on special nights this little hamster gets a blow-dry just for fun
 We are still obsessed with pizza over here...and food in general.  What can we say, we like our groceries!
 watching the Cougars on a rainy Saturday
 ice cream cones with "Wayton" and "Ashwyn"--life doesn't get any better
 waiting for Daddy
 trying to bust the doll stroller again

 Nerf wars in the backyard.  Tom loves playing with the older boys in our complex.  This kid is eight and has this huge automatic thing and Tom's is tiny and he can't even shoot it by himself, but he still has the time of his life out there with the big boys.

She didn't mind one bit that her team lost yesterday.  


  1. I love the shots of Tom pushing Grayce in the baby stroller. Hilarious! Miss you!

  2. Oh gosh, those kids are just way too cute for words! And you can never go wrong with pizza., yum!
    xo TJ
