Here are some pictures we took of our super long, super fun vacation!
We started out in Oregon (at the Johnstons) and LOVED having lots of cousins to play with.
a train ride on the Polar Express
the kid table
Santa came! I don't know who was more excited--Thomas or his parents.
The big lady got bigger.
We had to "drive" the cool truck in Grandpa's garage every day.
Then we went to California to visit the Hawkins. Only one cousin here, but Tom still had lots to do with all the bossing and bullying Sam required. He loved his Mickey Mouse jammies from Grandma Hawkins and still asks about Sammy every time he wears them. 
G & G took us to Disneyland! I wish I had more pictures.
Tom really did have a great time, but this one was too good not to share. It was past naptime and the Dumbo ride was not helping anything. He went on his first roller coaster in Toon Town (all he had to say when it was over was "FAST!"). His fav was probably meeting Tigger and Buzz.
Tom really did have a great time, but this one was too good not to share. It was past naptime and the Dumbo ride was not helping anything. He went on his first roller coaster in Toon Town (all he had to say when it was over was "FAST!"). His fav was probably meeting Tigger and Buzz.
We ate at some delicious restaurants. Tom got so used to his new lavish lifestyle that he started yelling "Fries!" or "Chips!" when we sat down at a table.
Back in Modesto, we had a birthday breakfast party for Sam.
It was SO fun to finally all be together again! Thank you, Grandmas and Grandpas!
I love your haircut! It looks like you had a great vacation...we missed you!