Sunday, December 11, 2011

Can I just say...

...that today was the last day of taking Tom to afternoon church?! Hallelujah! I'm so happy I could scream. We're off to visit the families for the holidays, so Matt will sit with us on the bench, and next year we go at 9:00 with sacrament meeting first. It couldn't be better. I know that lots of people do much harder things, but this is my current trial and I could not be happier to be relieved of it. I guess my life is pretty good!

Don't be fooled by his angelic face. If he's not escaping by crawling under benches (I always sit in the middle so he can't run out) or pulling my hair in frustration, he's making all kinds of loud declarations like, "Amen! AAALL done! Buh bye!" and dragging the diaper bag toward the aisle.
This is a rather old picture. He's grown up even since the last time I got my camera out!


  1. I'm so glad for you. That's one nice thing about living in an area where there's only one ward...and how rough to have to do it without the hubby there as backup!

  2. Yay! He is such a funny little boy! I miss you guys!
