Thursday, September 5, 2013

my little goofballs

Here's what the kids have been up to lately:

being silly at all times
Tom's into dressing himself.  He hides in his closet first thing in the morning and then makes a dramatic exit with such a pleased and proud face.  How can I tell him he looks ridiculous?  So we just go with it.  At least he doesn't own anything too bodacious.  But why do we even have those long socks?

G insists on dressing herself too, but at least I can pick her clothes because she can't reach them.  The only thing is, she actually can't put them on without help, but when I come near she screams and runs away.  So I let her struggle for a while and then end up wrestling them onto her.

My cousins Nick and Alex stayed with us on their way out to BYU.  The kids loved them. 

It was fun to be the hosts this time since their family took such good care of us while we lived in VA.  It was also great to see Nick since he was on his mission for the 2 years we lived there. 

Miss Grayce started nursery!  Here she is on her first day.  Everyone is very happy about the new arrangement. 

Tom wanted to take some but G was over it.

We were laughing at how silly her hair looked after she took her ponytails out (surprise, surprise!), and then Tom said, "It looks like Momma's hair!" and then it wasn't that funny. 

Grayce just having fun at the park.  She's so sassy and funny these days.  

We bought bikes!  We were saving for a kitchen table, but...there are so many good trails around here and we just had to get some ASAP.  We did a bike ride with our ward last week.  It was 15 miles down Vail Pass and so fun and beautiful.  
We've been eating at a card table for 5 years now (prize for the most used wedding present goes to Aunt Carolyn!)...what's another little while?  It's totally worth it.  The kids and I go for rides in the mornings and it definitely gives me a good workout. 

Someone pulled the fire alarm in our building so we all went out to see the fire trucks and they let Tom get in.  He was shy about it, but sooo pleased. 

Matt is trucking along at work, and I'm feeling much better.  Thank goodness!  I took the kids to my appointment yesterday and Tom was so thrilled to hear the heartbeat and Grayce was uncertain about the whole thing and cried every time I got up on the table. 


  1. There is so much I love about this post: you feeling better, bikes, cute kids, Grayce in nursery, Vail Pass, visiting cousins (although I was quite confused at first when I thought you meant my Nick and Alex!), you wearing that cute red polka-dot number, fire trucks, etc. Miss you!

  2. Like the post and like Julie's comment :) :) :)
