Wednesday, July 24, 2013

We're not in Kansas anymore.

Here are some photos from our last days in Wichita.
Tom loved his swim class at the YMCA.
with is friends Allie and Ben
He loved Mr. Clarence.
Here's Tom and his friend Caiden at a baseball game.

After we packed up and said our goodbyes (Fri 6/22), we drove halfway out that night and got to a hotel at 2 in the morning, woke up to have breakfast with Lis, Scott, and co. (who were on their way from Utah back to Illinois) and then finished the drive to our new place in Colorado, put our stuff inside, and got back on the road to get to Oregon ASAP.  This is what Matt likes to call "maximizing our time".  He had two weeks off work and by golly he was going to spend every minute of it with our family!  It was crazy but I'm glad we did it.  So we made it to Utah on Saturday night, spent Sunday with the Utah Johnstons, and were in Portland by Monday afternoon.  Matt's parents didn't know we were coming, so that was extra fun.  

We had a grand old time in Oregon.  Somehow I only got 3 pictures of the whole week;(  
Megan was there visiting from California so we got to have 4 of the Johnston siblings together.
 Cousins on the way to Voodoo Doughnuts.  
We had lots of park days, swimming, playing in Grandma's attic, and yummy meals on the deck.  The kids LOVED playing with their cousins. 

Then we headed back to Utah to stay with more cousins!  

A & J and Matt made us a sushi feast.  So good!

best buds
our 4th of July picnic

That night we went to the Hawkins party at Aunt Kristine's for the first time in years.  We decided that we need to go every year now that we live closer.  We had such a great time and the kids loved it too. 

So, we live in Denver now.  Aurora, to be exact.  It's beautiful and the summer weather is ideal, but we miss our friends in Kansas.  They say about Wichita that you have to be dragged in, and then you have to be dragged out.  So true!  I didn't really want to move there, and then I was so sad to leave.  But we think we'll like it here, too. 

We went to Cow Appreciation Day!  Somehow I miss it every year, but I just so happened to check facebook that afternoon and saw one of my friends post about it, and we just so happened to have some black felt and 4 headbands asking to have ears glued onto them.  I thought we'd get a free chicken sandwich, but we each got a whole meal!  I knew I always liked Chik fil A. 

Grayce did not like that cow. 


  1. Yes! I love seeing the Grandma and Grandpa's red brick house in the background. So fun that you could be there!

  2. Some people will do anything for a little Chik Fil A.

  3. Been waiting for this.... love seeing all of you. So many thanks for coming and big Hugs to everybody!

  4. It sounds like you had a crazy fun couple of weeks! I am sure you will love Denver once you get settled. All our years in Denver and we never made it to the 4th in Provo, but I am determined to be there next year so hopefully our paths will cross!
