Thursday, November 1, 2012

Happy Halloween!

 Tom loved doing these masterpieces hanging in the kitchen and every time he made one, he'd say "Daddy's gonna WUV this!  This looks AWESOME!" 
We went as the Incredibles to our ward trunk-or-treat.  I made Tom a mask too, but he wouldn't wear it.  He was also a bit iffy about putting his "black underwear" on outside of his pants.  He knew something wasn't quite right about that!

 Matt is the carving master.  He did my Minnie for me after I almost destroyed McQueen. 

 Our complex had a little shindig and a carving contest.

 Then we went trick-or-treating in the cutest neighborhood in town with our friends and all the houses were decorated A LOT and Tom got really into it and the weather was perfect.

 Here are some more shots of the neighborhood--so festive!
You can't really tell, but this one has a Candyland theme and they had great costumes.

Our costumes were a hit! We felt like celebrities with all the attention we got. There was a news crew in the neighborhood we visited and they interviewed us and it turns out they were from Poland and asked us to say "Happy Halloween, Poland!" at the end. I have no idea what they were doing in Wichita, but we were happy to send our regards. 


  1. Your costumes are awesome! And what a fun neighborhood to go trick-or-treating in! Who knew they even celebrated Halloween in Poland?

  2. Grayce is looking more delicious than ever! You guys all look great in your costumes. I love Tommy's slicked back Dash hair! Can't wait to see you!!!!

  3. Oh my gosh! You guys are the cutest EVER!!! I LOVE your costumes!
