...and since Matt's out of town and I don't feel like doing anything useful tonight even though I had grand plans to get much accomplished before his homecoming tomorrow and get to bed early so I have the courage to face Tom tomorrow...alone...in sacrament meeting...very newly potty trained and with a baaad attitude as of late. Instead I've been looking through pictures and reading blogs of people I don't even know. I kind of hate when that happens and then it's been 30 minutes before I realize that I have a headache from staring at the computer and who the heck is this family that I've been reading about anyway?! My friend's sister's old roommate who almost married my other friend and then met some other guy and I've only heard bits and pieces about them but now there are pictures and babies involved and it's all very intriguing.
Can you tell I'm lonely?
Anyway, this is what I wanted to share. Here are my babies at the same age:
Cute, right?
Definitely siblings and definitely cute. I totally understand the blog stalking and the good intentions of being productive while hubby is gone, but sometimes it just doesn't happen. Good luck in sacrament meeting tomorrow. It makes me tired just thinking about it. And any potty training tips? I convinced Clara that 3-year-olds absolutely do not wear diapers and she bought it. She has been telling everyone that after her birthday she is going to wear underwear. It's her birthday on Monday, so Tuesday is the big day!