Thursday, June 21, 2012

a few photos from the journey

Tom on the moving truck. 

We said goodbye to our trusty old Blazer.
But I'm not too sad, because this is my new love!  This made our trip super luxurious.

Goodbye, beautiful Virginia...

Hello, flat and brown Kansas!

We stayed and played with cousins on Scott Air Force Base on our way.  Tommy was in heaven.  A backyard, buddies to play with, water games, lots of airplanes, a park close by...his dream come true.

a trip to the St. Louis zoo

We stayed long enough to get to meet this brand new little guy!  He was so sweet.    

 After St. Louis we stopped at our new place in Wichita just long enough to get the boxes in, and then we hit the road again for Denver.  We stayed with my cousin Julie and her family and had a lovely visit with them and their two cute girls.  Grace and Grayce have matching dresses and leg rolls.
 We left Denver bright and early the next morning and rolled into Farmington juuuust in time to catch sacrament meeting and Matt's cousin's mission homecoming talk.  Don't worry, Mom--I didn't wear flip flops to church.  But yes, my hair did look like that in front of all the family. 
 Then we stayed with more cousins and partied in Utah for another week.  It was fabulous.
 Now we're busy settling in and keeping Tom out of trouble.  It's hard.  Not the settling part, the Tom part...he's...just so...two.

To summarize...VA to UT and back to KS=55 hours behind the wheel for Matt.  Somebody give that man a Klondike bar.  I'll take one, too, for doing crowd control in the back seat.  The kids were actually really great. 


  1. We're sad you moved. We kept thinking this year that we would make it down to see you guys sometime, but we never did. Congrats though on the job!

  2. Wow, that sounds like quite the traveling! I love your new van, aren't they seriously AMAZING!!!! They seriously are the best things ever invented for family travel! Hope you get moved in and settled soon! Feeling unsettled is the worst thing ever :) Miss you guys!!
