Sunday, June 17, 2012

Farewell, Virginia!

 Here's our family the first week we moved to Richmond.
I just spent quite some time making a lovely selection of pictures from our two years in Virginia, only to lose them during the upload.  Now that I'm supremely annoyed, I'll just give the beginning and the end.  Here's us just before we left:
 We have yet to get a good picture of the four of us.  Today was going to be the big day, but Tom (yes, Tom, not the baby) had a blowout at church and came home wearing just his vest and I was so exasperated and didn't feel like finding him another nice outfit and Grayce was finally asleep after fighting it all through church so I gave up on the idea. 

Anyway, our Virginia years were happy happy times.  The thing I will miss the most is living so close to all these wonderful people (plus others not pictured).  Such good times!

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