Friday, April 13, 2012

Friday the 13th

Today was an unlucky day for us. Tom learned how to open the front door and climb out of his crib all in the same day! Kind of like how a few weeks ago he learned to open the fridge and climb onto the counters and pantry shelves all in the same day. Only this is way less cool than that. He has known how to get out of his crib for a while now but he just never did. He was waiting for Friday the 13th. And our front door is a little tricky but he finally figured out how to turn it just right on this special day.
So here's how today went: Matt didn't have class so I went to get my hair cut and left him to put
Tom down for his nap. I came back to find that he hadn't slept at all because he kept getting out. So he was unruly all afternoon (although I did take him to Hobby Lobby, his least favorite store, so I don't blame him) and then he threw his dinner on the floor. We were waiting for his friends to come play after dinner and while I was tidying up I noticed that it was a little too quiet. I came out of the kitchen to find the front door open. A neighbor I don't know had stopped his car to let Tommy cross the street and was getting out to bring him back home. So I thanked and apologized and thanked again and gave Tom the "we don't go in the street or the cars will get us" speech for the 2,017th time and we came inside to play. After he was done bullying his friends, I put him to bed thinking I'd have no trouble with him staying in his crib because he was so tired. Not so. He snuck out and followed me downstairs, so I tucked him in again. A few tries later, I thought that if he couldn't find me he'd give up and go back in. So Grayce and I locked ourselves in my bedroom and when I came out to check on him, he was downstairs on the front porch! So sneaky and quiet! He got out 16 more times in the next 30 minutes before I lost count and finally sat in the rocking chair with Grayce until he fell asleep. So Matt is getting a high lock for the door on his way home tonight and we're going to turn Tom's bedroom doorknob around and lock him in next time.
Here's the little ruffian before the incidents. Maybe it was his new hairdo that did it. My dad always said that a little girl with pigtails can't be expected to behave with such a hairdo. No more mohawks for him!


  1. Oh boy! (literally, I don't think girls have that kind of mischief in them.) What a day! I didn't even remember that it is Friday the 13th until I read this. Sorry for such an eventful day. His mohawk does make him look quite mischievous but Clara is sassy with and without pig tails!

  2. I laughed through your entire post cause it sounded like you were describing Lincoln. I love where you said he was done bullying his friends! We have the same problem. Lincoln learned how to open doors last week and then this week learned how to take down baby gates!!!!!! Good luck, I love his mohawk!

  3. Oh no! I was for sure too that he would stay in bed after we left...what a little rascal! I'll tell ya, the doorknob turned around and the high lock has worked wonders for us. Please video tape his reaction for me. :)

  4. You also might consider getting a double dead-bolted lock - my parents used to have one and you can't open the door from either direction (inside or outside) without the key. I guarantee you even sneaky Tom couldn't get around that, since the ENTIRE Kingsport Fire Department couldn't (they were trying to get inside because they thought there was a fire and we weren't home). :) PS, Grayce is gorgeous!

  5. Oh dear! Noah has climbed INTO his crib, but for some reason he hasn't figured out that he could climb out if he wants. Good luck with that mischievous boy!

  6. Oh my goodness, that is a busy day! These little ones keep us on our toes! Hope it gets better. Sounds like a big boy bed. It takes a few nights to get used too and a lot of work, after that it's fine though. I am waiting for Baylor do get out of his, but hasn't yet, it should be any day now for us too :( Sounds like a lot of transition for one day, hang in there :) You are a great mom.

  7. Oh can I relate. Lock him in his room, or get one of those nets that zips over the crib.
