Sunday, April 22, 2012

Easter and such

 The day before Easter we had a hunt in the field with lots of neighbors.
Tom loved searching for his basket and finding his treats.
Aunt Megan came to visit from DC for the weekend.
 And Aunt Tori and Maddie were on spring break so they got to come all the way from California with my parents.  YAY!
 Matt gave Grayce her blessing that day at church and did a very sweet job.  She wore the same dress I was blessed in and I just realized I don't have a very good picture of it.  It was lovely, even with the top button undone to let her neck breathe. ;)  At least you couldn't tell from the front. 
 After church we had lunch with the Pericles and helped Sue eat her birthday cake.

 Besides torturing the dog, this is Tom's favorite thing to do at the Pericles' house.  Aunt Tori was his new favorite because she could always be talked into jumping with him.

 Grandpa and Tommy at the zoo

...and the fam.


  1. Ness - LOVE the haircut! Totally cute! Can't wait to see you guys... SOON!!! :)
