Sunday, February 12, 2012

Tom's Birthday Weekend

Thomas is 2! I can hardly believe it. He had a great birthday. We filled his room with balloons the night before and he was super pleased about it when he woke. Then he wanted to throw them all downstairs one by one before going down for breakfast.
We had all kinds of fun that day and did whatever he wanted (Children's Museum, chicken nuggets, playplace at the mall, Mickey Mouse tv show). The next day he helped me make cupcakes for his party with Aunt Megan.

This wasn't a part of the festivites--it's a regular thing around here. Repair #17 for Buzz Lightyear. That thing gets daily thrashings no matter how many times I tell him to be gentle. Every time Matt says, "He really did it this time...I'm not sure I can fix it." But Tom has faith and Matt hasn't failed us yet.
This was a Christmas present. He's obsessed. We love it when he shouts "fee...BOND!", which means "to infinity, and beyond!".

We had our first snow!

Wade's birthday was this week too, so we helped the Hinrichs eat their cupcakes. We're really good at that.

We had a little family party with Megan and somehow I neglected to get a pic of her with the birthday boy. He LOVES his Aunt May May.

She brought him a sweet Lightning McQueen racecar, which Matt has secretly been wanting since our nephews got one at Christmas. So it was a big hit with both the boys.

He loves his Mack truck just as much as we had hoped. We bought it weeks ago and have been super excited about it.

We sure love our little Thomas. A few of our favorite things about him right now are:
-his stubborn independence (wait, do we love that? it's amusing, anyway). He wants to do everything "SELF!!", like getting in and out of the car, bath, high chair, crib (luckily just IN on that one), and opening containers and pouring things. But he still wants Momma to carry him up and down the stairs or back to the house when he's done riding his bike. Go figure.
-his dance moves
-how he says "hooRAY!" with his arms in the air
-that he is an angel in church these days. Okay, a rather loud angel. But at least he doesn't have to be hauled out any more and he loves nursery.
-that he sometimes responds to a question with "no okay yes"


  1. How fun, he is getting so big! Noah would be green with envy over all the Cars toys. Looks like Tom had a great bday! Now we just get to wait for another fun birth day...for that little sister :)

  2. Gaaaaa I can't bear it he's too cute! So handsome and sassy and hilarious! Sam still remembers how Tom says "Fee..BON!" and throws his arms up and expects me to say it and is so pleased.
