Monday, May 2, 2011

Easter in Utah

Tom and I got to go to Utah for Sam's blessing and Jack & Jo's graduation. We left poor Matt behind, but he had lots to do to keep him busy and we were super glad to see him when we got back! We stayed with Alli and Danny and they were very kind to put up with Tom's messes and loud deedling in the mornings. My whole fam was there from CA for the weekend, and we stayed for the next week along with Grandma and had a great time. Here are a few pictures we took.

Julie and Nate were there for a quick visit so we got to see them. The cousin photo shoot didn't go so well! At least Sam had a good time.

Of course we had to have a royal wedding party since all the Leavitt siblings (and Grandma) were in town. We had sausage rolls, bakewell tart, trifle, and English chocolates.

1 comment:

  1. It was so fun to see you guys. Glad you made it home safely!
