Wednesday, April 6, 2011


The weather has been so nice lately, so Tom and I have enjoyed some more outside activities. He's obsessed with going outside. If I walk near the front door while holding him, he lunges for the keys. Once he gets them off the hook, he points them at the door. If he's climbing the stairs and we want him to come down, all we have to do is open the front door and he gets down real fast!

Today we found some ducks to feed.

I can't resist him in his new jammies!

one of his favorite activities at the park

He tries really hard to get his bib off.


  1. Cute! He looks so excited to be feeding those ducks!

  2. Ohmygosh that last picture had me howling!!! What a funny kiddo!

  3. Haha that bib picture is adorable! I gave up on bibs and just have the twins eat in their diaper. How did feeding the ducks go? I have been wanting to do that for a while but there are really aggressive geese at the pond and the kids would probably try to jump in the pond haha
