Monday, March 28, 2011

sunday best

It doesn't get any cuter than this.

This was taken before Tom and Noah wreaked havoc at this restaurant last week.
Tom was the grouch of the century and wailed to get out of his chair and flung everything he could reach onto the floor. Noah broke a glass just to make sure everyone was looking at us, and by the end I was standing up holding Tom while trying to wolf down my food. All Cindy and I could do when we got out was laugh!


  1. Tom is such a charming little man! I love seeing photos, and the tie/jacket shot is too cute!


  2. Eating out is always an adventure with kids!

  3. White shirt and tie is the only way to go. Darling little boy.

  4. His shirt fits like his daddy's... not quite big enough at the neck. And I see a bit of a look in his eye, kind of a twinkle that says, "Watch out world, we're going for a ride."

  5. Irresistible! He is so darling!

  6. I have to keep coming back to look at this again!

  7. I love his little sunday outfit! A-dor-able...I can't believe how big he is getting.
