Sunday, November 22, 2009

On Saturday

We made our first visit to the Draper temple,
went to our last home BYU football game,
and brought in our Chirstmasy decorations from storage. While we were digging, Matt decided that another shelf would be nice and threw it up there in no time. Isn't he handy?

And we're proud to announce the opening of our own personal In-n-Out burger just around the corner! We can smell the glorious grease from our front door. We stood in line to get some on opening night and are trying our best to stay away for a little while now.

Only two more days of work and school until we're off to party with the Hawkins!


  1. I am thoroughly jealous about the In-n-out burger outside your front door and the fact you're going to California for Thanksgiving. Have fun!!!

  2. Love seeing what you are up to..........
    Love you two!
