Thursday, March 22, 2012

Grayce Beverly

Here is Grayce at 5 days old, courtesy of the fabulous Alicia.
In case you were wondering about her name, Grayce is my middle name and it's spelled with a "y" because it was my great grandma's name and that's how she spelled it. Beverly is Matt's momma's name and we just love it (and her).

We're in love!


  1. Oh my goodness! She is so beautiful!

  2. She is perfect! And sleeping for the pics, awesome!! Baby D would not cooperate either time we had a shoot all set up, we finally got her at 1 month old, ha!

    Congrats again family of 4!

  3. Oh that Grayce! She is so dang cute. I love the pics.

  4. She is beautiful! She looks like such a chunk until the picture of her on Matt's arms, then she looks so teeny! Love her! Someday our Gracie girls will have to meet.

  5. She is precious Vanessa. Congratulations! I'm glad I found your blog. You have such a cute family.
