Tuesday, November 22, 2011


I can't believe it's Thanksgiving already! We busted out the Christmas decor a few days early. We'll only be in our home for a little while in December so we want to get our fill! I had thought Thomas would be a little more mature (silly me) about leaving the ornaments on the tree this year. Not so.

I had a checkup today and was surprised to find that I gained 7 pounds in the last month! Oh dear. Ever since I left my appointment this morning with that in mind, I have felt so hungry! I like to think that I'm just making up for lost calories during the first trimester. I have most definitely gained my appetite back, and it is such a blessing! And no, I still have not taken a single belly photo! Unbelievable. I had taken one at least every 2 weeks with Thomas. Hopefully this isn't a foreshadowing of the neglect of our second child. Anyway, maybe I'll get on that soon.

Just when Matt thought he was done doing car repairs, I got stranded at piano lessons today and we had to leave the Blazer there until we can tow it to the shop. Just a few weeks ago Matt spent 2 full days changing the intake manifold gasket (and I even learned what in the world that means) and saved us a lot of money. Thank goodness for that handy man. He's pretty sure he knows what it needs but doesn't have the time or tools to fix it this time. Looks like we're headed off to Williamsburg tomorrow in the green machine!

Thomas has never-ending energy. He has also turned into quite the momma's boy and wants me to do everything he does. His favorite is when we have running races or play chase around the house. When he wants to be chased, he says "get you!" and then runs giggling away.


  1. There is sure a familiar face in this picture. I can see his Daddy at about the same age.... that makes him double cute!

  2. Darling boy. I love the decor. Are you headed to Cali for Christmas. 7 pounds is nothing. Trust me!
