Saturday, May 21, 2011


Tom and Noah checkin out the babes at Yorktown Beach.

He found these boots in his closet and brought them to me to put on him and then stomped around happily. Not sure why he wasn't so happy in this picture.

playing in puddles after a thunderstorm

Plus I forgot to record that he's a walker now! He started on Easter night. Sadly, we were in Utah and Daddy was still at home in VA. We were all gathered around at the Jensen's, and Jack set Tommy down and said, "walk to that ball". And he did! Here's a more recent video.


  1. What a cutie. We miss you! I wrote you a letter when we were staying with my in-laws and needed an envelope and then I didn't get one and forgot to mail it before we left to come to Lafayette. So long story short, I am sorry we didn't get to say goodbye! I hope you're having a fun break so far. Thanks for all the help moving!

  2. that pic of the boys checking out the cute!!!
