Wednesday, March 2, 2011

This kid

melts my heart every day. He is so funny and just great to have around.

Yep, there are 2 front teeth there now!

back from an evening walk

fun with the sewing machine cover

He does a little of this...
but he still prefers to hurry along on his knees.


  1. Enjoy the limited mobility while it lasts. Destruction of the house comes next. So cute.

  2. That Matt Hawkins knows what he is talking about! I feel like Jace has 500 hands! It is so much fun though.

  3. I wish you guys lived around here, Linc and Thomas would have the best time together.

  4. Oh man, just imagine twins in different directions or helping each other to push chairs to reach cabinets to open and then empty. Life get crazy : ) But yes, enjoy life while he's not completely mobile.
